

May, 2023

Info Number

+385 99 631 4930


7 days


We all need a deep rest and reset from the daily stress and accelerated rhythm of everyday life. The body, mind, and soul, exposed to daily efforts, need time for recovery and relaxation so that we do not reach a state of burnout.

One of the best and most effective ways for a comprehensive deep rest is retreats – a couple of days of withdrawal from everything and everyone.

The Full Of Light retreat is one of the retreats whose concept we really liked.

The leader of the Full Of Life retreat is Lea Gobo, a wellness and feng shui advisor, and the author of “Budi Dobro,” who, through several years of working with people, noticed the need of her clients to withdraw and experience inner peace, encounter with themselves, and hear their inner voice in the silence of nature over a few days.

She has designed a retreat that will bring the best of her work to participants – treatments, sound baths with crystal bowls, yoga, rituals of sipping matcha, and ceremonial cocoa.

The Full Of Light retreat is located in magical Istria, in a beautiful villa with a pool, surrounded by untouched nature, and can be chosen for three or seven days between May 5th and 12th, 2023.

All dimensions of rest:

This retreat is designed to nurture all dimensions of a person through good sleep, light food, yoga, treatments, sound therapy, and internal and external silence.

– When we quiet the mind and rest, we can hear the subtle but clear voice of our soul, connect with ourselves, and bring more joy, ease, and peace into our lives. We are light and happy when we are in harmony with ourselves. – says Lea.

Sound baths and rituals – a meeting of body and soul well-being:

Participants in the retreat enjoy beautiful rituals and crystal baths that bring spiritual and physical recovery.

The sound of crystal bowls relaxes the mind but also massages every cell of the body with beneficial vibrations, washing away tension, stress, and blockages from the body.

And rituals of sipping cocoa and matcha, with benefits for the body – intake of precious antioxidants – are an opportunity for practicing mindfulness – a moment of full presence in the moment, without the exhausting stream of thoughts about the future or the past.

Reset of sleep, dietary habits, and treatments for a significant cleansing of the soul:

In the perfect silence and comfort of the villa, participants will be able to reset their mind, body, and soul – relax through treatments, baths, meditation, and yoga, get a good night’s sleep, and reset dietary habits with quality, light, and healthy food.

Lea offers each participant the opportunity for an individual Mind retreat treatment that cleanses unproductive patterns, accumulated negative emotions, and blockages, replacing them with programs that nourish life, love, success, and the ease of life.

Read more about the retreat here. See you!

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